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Fontos találkozások Valenciában!

Important meetings in Valencia!

Here comes a post by Andrea Morris:

"Having chosen the location for my vacation wisely, I had the privilege of experiencing extraordinary meetings last week in Valencia."

I had the chance to meet Aminata, the founder of the Red Aminata Foundation, and also had a meeting with Siaka Traoré.

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HOUSE OF HOPE / A REMÉNY HÁZA                                      Oktatási programok afrikai nőknek.

House of Hope Education Programs for Women

At the beginning of January 2024, we signed a support agreement with Richter Gedeon Plc, under which the pharmaceutical giant will make a significant contribution to the construction of the House of Hope, as well as to the...

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Közel Afrikához Ösztöndíj

Close to Africa Scholarship

We deeply believe that if we provide talented, agile young people with the opportunity for quality education, they will not only rise out of hopeless poverty but will also have a positive impact on their communities as adults. This is how we make an impact in Africa...

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Rwanda Exchange önkéntesküldő program

Rwanda Exchange Volunteering Program

The goal of our Rwanda Exchange Program is to help young people from all over the world connect and discover new lifestyles through joint activities carried out in Rwanda. The Close to Africa...

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University Fund Rwanda 

University Fund Rwanda 

 What is the Close to Africa Foundation's "Excellence Scholarship" about? The Excellence Scholarship is open to Rwandan youth who have achieved outstanding results in their high school graduation exams at our partner schools.

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A mi keresztünk.

Our Cross.

Our cross. We are proud to be not only sponsors but also ambassadors of this year's Budapest International Documentary Film Festival's shocking, awakening, courageous and extraordinary film, Our Cross.

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House of Hope projekt

House of Hope Project

Our dream is that no woman should have to live in mutilation, illiteracy, or forced marriage! But for this dream to come true, we need you as well! Our partner in Mali, Sini Sanuman Organisation...

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Bemutatjuk az AKAGERA Kölyköket

We introduce the AKAGERA Kids

We have stayed at the Akagera Neighbors guesthouse, located next to Akagera National Park, several times during our trips to Rwanda. The owner is Jean Bosco who, together with his family, has started a programme called Akagera Kids...

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Vállalkozástan és angol tanfolyam Ruandában

Entrepreneurship and english course in Rwanda

Our 4-week summer course in entrepreneurship and English in Nyanza, organised by our volunteer Máté Kószó, has come to an end. During the four weeks the students had the opportunity to develop products, among other things,

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Kapolcsi Művészetek Völgye 2023

Art Festival in Kapolcs, Hungary

This year's Arts Valley programme in Kapolcs was completed. We had the opportunity to present ourselves inside the Arts Green Courtyard. We presented the work of our foundation and...

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FGM Zero Tolerancia

FGM Zero Tolerance

In 2024, we continued our campaign against female genital mutilation by raising awareness among men. To this end, in May, our local partner organized a two-day symposium with the support of the quarter's religious leaders...

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House of Hope Plans

The team of young Hungarian architects has some experience already at adjusting to the African conditions. They paid special attention to enable natural air circulation and to create shading.

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Neked elmesélem cikk

Interview, "Neked elmesélem"

Soon I had two certainties: I wanted my future children to grow up in Africa, and if I ever felt my life was hopeless, I would leave everything behind and go to Africa.

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Tv2 riport

Tv2 riport

"A Hungarian woman is helping women in distress in Africa, on the edge of a war zone – sometimes under life-threatening circumstances...

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Nemzetközi Tavasz Afrika Hét

International African Week Pécs

This year again we had the opportunity to present ourselves during the Africa Week in Pécs! Andrea Morris gave the presentation "Where do they come from, where do they go...?" about Dogon culture. Afterwards, a fashion show...

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Egy falat Afrika

'Egy Falat Afrika' Event

We participated in the Egy falat Afrika event in Budapest at the Kelenvölgyi Community House! Through exciting presentations, various organizations working on African-related issues and people who have traveled to Africa shared their experiences and insights...

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Önkéntes találkozó 2023

Volunteer team building 2023

Is there a perfect volunteer? No, but you don't have to be perfect! We all have values that, as part of a team of volunteers, we can bring to making a difference in the world.

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FGM Zero Tolerancia

FGM Zero Tolerance

In 2024, our Girls' Case program will continue. In 2022, our awareness campaign focused on women and students. This year, our goal is to raise awareness among men, as well as to address the...

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Connection Tour 2023

Connection Tour 2023

The participants of the Rwandan Connection Tour have arrived home! Throughout intense two weeks, the foundation's staff and volunteer participants experienced a lot of excitement.

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Ösztöndíjasok Maliban

Scholarship students in Mali

The curatorium of the Close to Africa Foundation has decided which two students from Bamako will have the opportunity to attend a good university in their homeland with the Hungary Helps – Magyarország segít scholarship.

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Four Days at the Africa Expo

We had a great time at the Africa Expo, meeting lots of new people. We were pleased to be joined by so many Supporters and Volunteers who attended four professional talks.

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3 évesek lettünk

3 years old

We are very proud of our achievement which we could not have done without our sponsors!

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