Africa Birthday in Budapest

he event was officially opened by Tristan Azbej (State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and the implementation of the Hungary Helps Program) who explained the Hungarian state’s involvement in Africa through the specific projects supported by Hungary Helps. This was followed by roundtable discussions on the health, water, and sanitary situation, and the state of education with special regard to the relationship cooperation opportunities between Hungary and Africa.

Together with Hilda Szabó (ASANTE A Gyermekekért Egyesület) and Zsófia Szilágyi-Könczöl (Szívemben Született Afrika), Andrea Morris participated in the panel discussion "The situation of women in Africa – opportunities and challenges in projects supporting women empowerment". After the roundtable discussions in the the morning, further professional discourses developed on the topics as well.

Thank you to Eszter and her partner – the winners of the draw that took place earlier – for receiving this Dogon door from Us in person!

Új Hint of Africa farmerdzsekiket is bemutattunk az érdeklődőknek

In the afternoon, we welcomed guests with a phenomenal atmosphere enriched with some music and dance! After tasting some delicacies in the chocolate-tasting, the enthusiastic participants had the opportunity to burn the calories through an African zumba class.

Thank you Szívemben Született Afrika’s team for the organization and invitation!