African schools often face serious structural problems, from poor infrastructure to overcrowded classrooms. We are helping our partner schools by building new classrooms, setting up computer rooms, providing toilets, and providing equipment and sports supplies. You can get involved in our current programs and help make them happen with your support. Our programs are traceable and documented, and are designed according to local needs. Infrastructural improvements are complemented by teacher training and education campaigns aiming to promote technological development and to modernize the curriculum. In addition, engage with causes that help the community and the students, such as the Girls' Cause program, where we advocate for the elimination of female genital mutilation.
Read on to find out more about our programs to support and browse through the projects that have been completed!
Rwanda Exchange önkéntesküldő program
A Ruandai Csereprogramunk célja, hogy a Ruandában végzett közös tevékenységek révén segítse a világ minden tájáról érkező fiatalok kapcsolatteremtését és életmódjuk felfedezését. A Közel Afrikához Alapítvány örömmel támogatja az ilyen cseréket azzal, hogy keretet ad,...
University Fund Rwanda
Miről is szól a Közel Afrikához Alapítvány „Excellence Scholarship”? Az Excellence ösztöndíjra azok a ruandai fiatalok pályázhatnak, akik partneriskoláinkban kiváló érettségi eredménnyel végeznek, de szociális körülményeik miatt nincs lehetőségük...
House of Hope projekt
Our dream is that no woman in the world should have to live mutilated, uneducated, or in a forced marriage! To make the dream of millions come true, we need your help! Our partner organization, the Sini Sanuman Organization was donated an unused plot of land from a local wealthy man. In collaboration with the Close to Africa Foundation, they will build a women's center on this plot near the Sansfil slum
The handwashing station at our partner schools in Rwanda is done!
The handwashing station at our partner schools in Rwanda is ready! Thank you to Hungary Helps! Without them this project would not have been possible. Children will now have the opportunity to wash their hands after using the toilets. In July,
FGM Zero Tolerance
In 2023, we continued our campaign against female genital mutilation (FGM) by raising awareness among men. As part of such efforts, in May, our local partner organized a two-day symposium for religious leaders in the area...
The team of young Hungarian architects has some experience already at adjusting to the African conditions. They paid special attention to enable natural air circulation and to create shading. The center houses 2 teaching areas, 1 dormitory, bathrooms, offices, an interview room, and even a shop offering office services.
FGM Zero Tolerance
In February 2023, our active role in the fight against female genital mutilation in Mali will have been one year old.
BENCHES for the SCHOOL! -ongoing
We fundraise to buy school benches so the kids don't need to sit on bricks.
Hungarian Scholarship
Thanks to the governmental agency Hungary Helps five of our students are able to pursue his/her higher education in their own country.
Girls Connection 2021
Besides emotional support the club is about raising awareness, creating a fostering community, and having fun. Support Girls' Connection!