a program
a program
We currently operate in Mali and Rwanda, helping children access a decent primary education.
If there are no schools, we help build or expand them. If professional support is needed, we provide training. If there are no sports facilities, we support their development. When basic needs are lacking for the community, we work with them to change that.
We develop our programmes by listening to local communities, assessing and understanding their needs. We take up causes that help the community and its students broaden their horizons, such as teacher training, English education, or the Girls' Cause programme, where we stand against female genital mutilation.
Join us to change the life of a child or even a community!
Our projects are documented in detail, and tracking them is especially important to us – you can keep track of exactly how your support has been used.
Our current programs to support
House of Hope Education Programs for Women
At the beginning of January 2024, we signed a support agreement with Richter Gedeon Plc, under which the pharmaceutical giant will significantly contribute to the construction of the House of Hope and to the future operating costs as well. We are incredibly grateful to all of our supporters...
Close to Africa Scholarship
We deeply believe that if we provide talented, agile young people with the opportunity for quality education, they will not only rise out of hopeless poverty but will also have a positive impact on their communities as adults. This is how we make an impact in Africa...
University Fund Rwanda
What is the Közel Afrikához Foundation's "Excellence Scholarship" about? The Excellence Scholarship is open to Rwandan youth who graduate with excellent high school results from our partner schools but face social challenges that prevent them from continuing their education. The scholarship aims to provide them with the opportunity to further their studies and achieve their academic goals...
Woman Center in Bamako
Our partner organization, the Sini Sanuman Organization was donated an unused plot of land from a local wealthy man. In collaboration with the Close to Africa Foundation, they will build a women's center on this plot near the Sansfil slum.
FGM Zero Tolerance
In 2024, our Girls' Matter program continues. In 2022, our awareness campaign focused on women and schoolchildren. This year, our goal is to raise awareness among men and to debunk the myth that mutilation is a requirement of the Islamic faith. In Mali, we are also working to challenge this misconception and encourage the community to reject harmful practices...
Our PADOT AZ ISKOLÁBA project has successfully concluded!
We fundraise to buy school benches so the kids don't need to sit on bricks.