Woman Center in Bamako

Our partner organization, the Sini Sanuman Organization was donated an unused plot of land from a local wealthy man. In collaboration with the Close to Africa Foundation, they will build a women's center on this plot near the Sansfil slum.   

What is the purpose of the Women's Center? 

The center will serve as a shelter for girls fleeing violence and child marriages, and they will also have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge necessary to move on. Education begins with teaching reading and writing, as these basic skills are rarely provided in such areas.  

Among the training opportunities, girls and women who come here can gain practical experience in professions such as soap making or sewing. We believe that the opportunity to learn should be available to everyone! In addition, former "excisors," women who previously performed female genital mutilation (FGM) as a profession, will receive reeducation opportunities at the women's center. With this activity, we want to create a new opportunity for them, from which they can earn money in the future.   

What is Sini Sanuman? 

Sini Sanuman, which means "Tomorrow's Health," is an organization that has been successful in Mali since 2002 in reducing female genital mutilation (FGM) and violence against women. The organization works with a 20-year-experience-based program to reduce FGM. Their method is to focus on one community at a time, from top to bottom, from political leadership to local women performing FGM (excisors), with educational work such as meetings, personal conversations, workshops, radio, and posters. 

Why the Sansfil slum in Bamako? 

This is the slum where our foundation's primary activity of supporting children in Bamako began and where hundreds of elementary school students continue to attend school thanks to our Hungarian donors. As the girls grew up, we became increasingly involved in their problems over the past decade, and we became aware that each of them was affected by FGM. We would like therefore that their children and sisters will be saved from this harmful tradition.

How can you help? 

Building the women's center requires great cooperation. We have already raised the necessary resources for the foundation of the building, but we still need your help to move forward! 

Any donation, regardless of size is appreciated! Thanks to our sponsors, we have been able to finance three months of a six-month program for the Bamako Women's Center for the necessary education of Bamako's girls and women!

We await your support on the following account number: 

Close to Africa Foundation, MagNet Bank: 16200010-10097432,

Comment: "Women's Center."

If you want to transfer in Euros, our account number is:

Close to Africa Foundation, ERSTE Bank, 

IBAN: HU32 1160 0006 0000 0000 9992 4582

Comment: Women's Center  

We sincerely thank you for your help! You can follow our Girls' issue/FGM zero tolerance project on our Facebook page or through our newsletter, which you can subscribe to here: https://kozelafrikahoz.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=98b97a702514ffec36e352784&id=2ba5b4d50a