The idea of supporting children in Bamako goes back to and our personal experience 2012. Andrea Morris was then teaching in the Sanfil slum of Bamako, where like in many slums there was no public school.
The children living there could only attend school if someone could pay the modest fees charged by the local private school. Saddened by how many children were dropping out of school due to tuition fees, Andrea set up the child support programme. Since 2022, the Foundation is present not only in Mali, but in Rwanda too.
The point of the programme is not to give money, but to pay tuition fees to those in need. The children sponsored are also able and hard-working, and are selected on the recommendation of a teacher based on demonstrated performance. Partner schools send regular report cards about the children in the programme and report on their progress. Representatives of the Foundation visit the beneficiary countries at least annually and follow up with the children's families to ensure that the support continues to be put to good use. The visits to these sites are connected with several different new school development programmes.
Experience over the past eight years has shown that the greatest gift for children is knowing that someone believes in them and shows them the value of learning. It gives them a chance to rise out of and improve their difficult environment.
Over the past eight years, more than 250 children have been sent to school through the programme. Many of them have proceeded to secondary school and five of them are now university students – we do not let go of these children's during these high school and university students but continue to support and guide them. They receive a grant which they can then spend on their own to buy school supplies and any school fees they need.
Kapcsolódj be támogatási programunkba! Havi 6 000 forint hozzájárulásoddal fedezheted egy gyermek tandíját, vagy ebédjét, iskolai felszerelését és egyéb oktatáshoz kötődő költségeit.
Mali - Sponsor a Child! Program
In Mali, three out of ten children never get to school - either because there is no school nearby or because they need to work at home. 70% of the adult population is illiterate or functionally illiterate.
The country is facing serious political and economic problems as much of its territory is now inaccessible due to a conflict that is seeing the state's presence shrinking and diminishing. The persistent difficulties of the public education sector are demonstrated by the small number of state schools, the class sizes of 150-200, and teacher strikes that often last for months.
Where there is no public education, the population tends to initiate and maintain schools in a self-organised way, either by itself or with the help of external donors. The impoverished private schools organised this way take many decades to develop from taking lessons in the shade of a large tree to a functional building with several classrooms.

We currently have two partner schools in Mali, both of which we are continuously contributing to the construction of through our school improvement projects. We offer support to children who are the most financially deprived and talented students from these two schools.
Chérifoula School, Bamako
This impoverished private school was founded in 2003 on the initiative of parents from the Sansfil slum in Bamako. In this area, the state was unable to provide schools for the rapidly growing population. The school was built on the edge of a slum, on the garbage-strewn marshland – quite often it could only be reached on foot, via a boardwalk across the marshy area. This is the school where Andrea Morris, the founder of the Close to Africa Foundation, taught English and where the idea of supporting children in Bamako was conceived over a decade ago. More than 200 young children in the Sanfil district have already reached and benefited from basic education through our Hungarian patrons.
Chérifoula: past and present
School of Winners
This school is located in the bush near Bamako, where there is neither electricity nor running water. On our first visit, the impoverished private school looked more like a building site with children running around the first floor in corridors lacking essential safety handrails (the school even lacked toilets!) Today, the school has improved a lot thanks in part to Hungarian support. Currently, the tuition of 30 children at the school are paid by Hungarian donors. Thanks to improvements in the recent years, there is now a computer room, a drilled well and toilets for the pupils.
School of Winners – past and present
Rwanda - Sponsor a Child! program
The beautiful country of Rwanda is known as the Switzerland of Africa, both because of its high altitude (above 1500m) and because it is a clean, orderly, well-regulated country with excellent public safety.
The 1994 genocide in Rwanda left the country in ruins and in abject poverty, from which the central leadership has consciously modernised to the level of development it enjoys today. But such rapid progress cannot benefit everyone. While the capital is basking in the glow, farming families isolated in remote villages in the ‘land of a thousand hills’ often have no electricity or running water and frequently face food insecurity. Forced buyouts in the name of agricultural modernisation have reduced the area of land available to farmers, making it increasingly difficult for them to produce their own crops.
Although education in Rwanda is nominally free, in reality parents have to pay for a number of compulsory costs, such as insurance, uniforms and lunch. Families in difficult circumstances also have problems buying school equipment and shoes (even just a pair of rubber shoes), which often leave their children out of school. With our child support programme, we want to help these families keep their children in school or get them back into school if they have been forced to leave.

Children taking part in the Child Support Programme are referred by their teachers and parents, and are selected through family visits and personal interviews. Eligible students are all from poverty-stricken families: most of them live in huts without electricity or water, making it difficult for their children to study after school. Many of them walk for hours to school every day, where they are provided with a single meal. There are also schools where the parent community graciously provides food for children in need in exchange for the parent or child working in the school or on the farmlands managed by the school.
What do we support?
We want to support the school, the community, especially the children of outstanding ability by seeking sponsors for selected students.
From the monthly support of 6000 HUF, we cover the child’s meals, insurance, uniform, and school supplies. In addition, we are seeking solutions to enable students to study at home as well. As part of our "Light for Learning" program, we aim to provide solar-powered lighting in areas without electricity.
School of Nyanza
School of Nyanza
Our school in Kamana
In addition to E.S. Nyanza, our other partner school in Rwanda is G.S. Kamana, where our 'Support Learning' program is expanded this year. The school is located in southern Rwanda. A total of 1565 students study here, taught by 44 faculty members. The school building is relatively well-equipped, however, it is in need of renovation and/or improvements in some areas. Such examples include: the library (to improve its current state), roof renovation (some classrooms and teacher lounges don’t have proper roofs and they often get flooded), dealing with the lack of power outlets and power supplies in some rooms, building a fence around the school, the development of a sports field for PE classes and recreational activities, sports supplies, and need for more desks and benches. Overall, it is considered a great school, BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY: with the help of the principal and our local volunteers (one of whom is a teacher), we were able to connect with children in the area who had dropped out of school (largely due to Covid-19) and were unable to continue their studies ever since. Most of these children are either orphaned or from a very moderate background, whose families can’t afford their school lunches, school supplies, and uniforms.
Akagera Kids
We took a different approach and gradually began to tame the children, offering them hygiene supplies and food. This is how we found out that the 8 children called themselves "Marines". The military connotation stems from their gang-like behaviour and the way they steal anything of value and then disappear into the wetlands most of the time immediately. Otherwise, although the members of the group were children between the ages of 7 and 11, they had a strictly uniform code of conduct and leadership structure.
We tried to reintegrate all the members of the group back into the family they came from, except for one who had no relatives. He was eventually adopted by the family of one of the group members.
In the 2022-2023 school year, the team, then called Akagera Kids, started to re-educate, with many challenges. The "marines" behaviour and bullying at school had to be gradually reduced, and the absence from school on market days during the first semester had a significant impact on results.
Starting from November 2022, joint gaming sessions and life skills counseling took place every Sunday at Bosco’s, concluding with a shared lunch. This initiative was later expanded to include holiday periods, aimed at keeping the children occupied and united. By early 2023, a decision was made to involve the children’s families and caregivers even further, aiming for a comprehensive approach to the situation.
As the idea gained traction, more people extended their support and donations to Akagera Kids. Now, there exists an opportunity to support these children in collaboration with the Middle Africa Foundation.

a Child
How to become a Sponsor

Select a child!
The children who are looking for sponsors can be found under the tab "Gallery of Children"

Write to us the name of the child!

Set up the monthly transfer of 6000 HUF in support.
Please put the child's name in the message.
Kozel Afrikahoz Alapitvany, Magnet Bank 16200010-10097432
or IBAN: HU61 1620 0010 1009 7432 0000 0000

We send an email to you
with a simple agreement which we will ask you to sign. The sponsoring starts with the first payment. Your support is used for paying the school fees or the obligatory costs to the school and for maintaining the program. We do not pay individuals or distribute money.
You can stop the sponsorship at any time, but please let us know as soon as possible so that we can find a new sponsor for your child.

We send you the school reports regulary (at least twice a year)
and a fresh photograph of the child. We visit our sponsored children once a year, so sending a small gift related to education is usually possible. Children also tend to send drawings or letters to their sponsor.
From now on, just sit back and watch the miracle that education can bring into a child's life through your support!
Through our bi-monthly newsletters and our Facebook and Instagram pages, you can follow our programs that focus on the development of the children and the schools, improving their environment and living conditions. You'll also get a glimpse into everyday life in Africa!
Thank you for your application!
Looking forward hearing from you on the email address.
Gallery of Children
Havi 6 000 forint támogatásoddal fedezheted egy gyermek tandíját, vagy iskolai felszerelését, ebédjét és egyéb oktatáshoz kötődő költségeit.
Mali Children in Need of Support
Alább találod a támogatható mali gyerekeket. Ha ez a rész üres, az azt jelenti, hogy minden mali gyerek támogatóra talált. Ebben az esetben, ha szeretnél támogatni egy gyereket nézz körül a ruandai és egyetemista támogatható gyerekek között.
Assitan Harouna Tolo
Birth year: 2013
Chérifoula School, Mali
Rwandan Children in Need of Support
Alább találod a támogatható ruandai gyerekeket. Ha ez a rész üres, az azt jelenti, hogy minden ruandai gyerek támogatóra talált. Ebben az esetben, ha szeretnél támogatni egy gyereket nézz körül a mali és egyetemista támogatható gyerekek között.
Ismael Mugisha
Születési év: 2007
Kavumu iskola, Ruanda
Violette Uwamahoro
Születési év: 2003
Kavumu iskola, Ruanda
Emmanuel Munyankumburwe
Születési év: 2003
Kavumu iskola, Ruanda
Legyél tagja Elie támogatói csoportjának!
Elie-t jó eredményének köszönhetően felvették egy bentlakásos iskolába. Költségei finaszírozásához keresünk most támogatókat.
Támogatható Egyetemistáink
Alább találod a támogatható egyetemistákat. Ha ez a rész üres, az azt jelenti, hogy minden egyetemista támogatóra talált. Ebben az esetben, ha szeretnél támogatni egy gyereket nézz körül a ruandai és mali támogatható gyerekek között.
Támogasd Jean Marie Vianneyt a Közel Afrikához Ösztöndíjjal!
Támogatókat keresünk az egyetemre készülő Jean Marie Vianney támogatói csoportjába!
Támogasd Jean Luc-öt a Közel Afrikához Ösztöndíjjal!
Támogatókat keresünk az egyetemre készülő Jean Luc támogatói csoportjába!
Támogasd Danielt a Közel Afrikához Ösztöndíjjal!
Támogatókat keresünk az egyetemre készülő Daniel támogatói csoportjába!
Támogasd Céléstint a Közel Afrikához Ösztöndíjjal!
Támogatókat keresünk az egyetemre készülő Céléstin támogatói csoportjába!
Támogatott Gyerekek
Alassan Doumbia Petit
Támogatók: V.Anita és B.Máté
Születési év: 2015
Chérifoula School, Mali
Mouctar Tolo
Születési év: 2016
Chérifoula School, Mali
Aichata Bolly
Születési év: 2015
Chérifoula School, Mali
Lucky Ishimwe
Támogatója: R. Balázs
Birth year: 2012
Akagera, Ruanda
Legyél tagja Sandrine támogatói csoportjának!
Sandrine-t jó eredményének köszönhetően felvették egy bentlakásos iskolába. Költségei finaszírozásához keresünk most támogatókat.
Philomene Tumukunde
Támogató: H. Petra
Nyanza School, Rwanda
Josiane Cyuzuzo
Születési év:
Támogató: G. Viola
Nyanza School, Rwanda
Sylvia Uwajeneza
Támogatója: Sz. Adrián.
Kamana School, Rwanda
Devotha Mukamuhoza
Támogatott: Sz. Nóra
Kamana School, Rwanda
Egyetemista és végzett diákjaink
Emmanuel Tuyisenge
Tuyisenge Emmanuelt édesanyja kettő éves korában elhagyta, aki a városba költözött, édesapját nem ismeri. Nagymamájával (82 éves) egy szobában élnek együtt. A nagymama állami segélyből él, mely jelenleg 7$/hónap. Egészségi állapota nem túl jó, fájnak a térdei, járni...
Támogatókat keresünk Hussein egyetemistánk támogatói csoportjába, hogy egyetemi tanulmányai során méltóbb körülmények között élhessen.
Looking for Supporters for Claude!
A kiváló tanuló, ambiciózus, jól kommunikáló, a szegényekkel és idősekkel is mindig törődő Claude az egyik büszkeségünk! Az elmúlt két évben támogatásunkkal és Pal Ribarics mentorálásával Claude eljutott a ruandai vidéki mélyszegénységből Kigali legjobb egyetemére....
Lassine BALLO
Támogató: Hungary Helps
Szak: Vállalatvezetést és adminisztráció
Moussa Bakary TRAORÉ
Born: 2004
Támogató: Hungary Helps
Szak: Vállalati informatika
Aminata KONÉ
Born: 2003
Támogató: H. Viktor; F. Mónika; S.K.Mária, V. Péter, B. KAtalin
Assitan KONÉ
Born: 2002
Támogató: Hungary Helps
Szak: Nővér
Djénéba TOURÉ
Született: 2001
Támogató: Hungary Helps; V. Krisztina
Szak: Vállalati gazdaságtan
Astan KOUMA Moneta
Born: 2002
Támogató: Hungary Helps; Francesco M.
Szak: Könyvelés és pénzügy
Született: 2000
Támogató: Morris Andrea
Egyetemet végzett diák