Frank Jéremie doesn't live with his family, but with the friends of his parents. The husband of the couple provides for the family, including his wife, Frank Jéremie, and his three younger brothers who help with farming and deliver packages to the locals on their bicycles. Frank Jéremie lost his father and his mother currently lives in Kigali, taking care of a close relative. One of his younger brothers is seven years old and attends elementary school, while the youngest is five and still in kindergarten.

Every day, Frank Jéremie carries water before and after school, as the school is 40 minutes away from home. He did very well on his exam at the end of his semester, achieving a score of 70%. He performed exceptionally well in computer science.
Frank Jéremie félévi vizsgája nagyon jó lett, 70%. Számítástechnikai ismeretekből érte el a legkimagaslóbb eredményt.

He is very interested in computer science and wants to become a programmer in the future.